This Faucet Sprayer's Flat Blade of Water Scrapes Dishes Clean If you're lucky enough to have a retractable sprayer attached to your kitchen faucet, you've probably noticed that its circular blast often isn't powerful enough to really scrape dishes clean. To fix that, Kohler is introducing what it calls Sweep spray technology that blasts stuck-on food with a wide blade of water that works like a liquid scraper. Instead of using a ring of nozzles, the Sweep spray has them all lined up and strategically angled to create a wall of water with increased pressure. So instead of just rinsing dishes, it's more capable of dislodging stuck-on food so you can make your dishwasher's job a little easier. The new sprayer is now available on four existing Kohler faucets. And while it's harder to use as a water gun now, the tradeoff will probably seem worth it to anyone stuck with dish duty. [Kohler] |
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