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Twitter新版页面问世 都快成Facebook了(图)

2014-04-09 09:57   来源:新华网  责任编辑:蓝晓梅   我来说两句

Twitters Facebook-Lite Look Kicks In Today, With New Profile Powers

That major redesign Twitter was teasingearlier this year? Its here. And its got a few features we hadnt heard about thrown in for good measure. Welcome to Facewitter, or Twitbook. Its actually pretty nice!

The overhaul isnt quite as dramatic as what circulated in February, although its still a fairly stark change from what youre used to. That is, unless youre a Facebook user. The layout gives you the same custom profile picture paired with a banneresque background shot, familiar to anyone whos visited a Timeline lately.

Whats perhaps more interesting is the newfound control Twitter users will find over what they can display. Once the redesign hits your profile, youll be able to pluck your favorite and/or most representative tweet out from the C A S C A D E and "pin" it to the top of your profile, so that visitors are met with your best food forward instead of a turkey sandwich complaint. You can see an example in Washingtons profile above.

Beyond the look though, theres no question that Twitter continues to march ever close into Facebooks territory in both form and function. The new design and tweet control, combined with the newfound ability to tag people in pictures without losing character count ago, show that Twitter really may be losing sight of what makes it so great after all. If we wanted Facebook, we would be on Facebook.

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